About Us

Fil Doux Textiles is a renowned textile company with Latin American roots and a based in Brooklyn, New York. Its story is one of cultural heritage, innovation, and a dedication to quality. 

  • Establishing Fil Doux Textiles:  The name “Fil Doux” is French for “soft thread,” reflecting our commitment to creating luxurious, high-quality textiles. From the very beginning, we aimed to blend our Latin American heritage with the innovation and design sensibilities of New York.
  • Combining Tradition and Innovation: Fil Doux Textiles became known for our ability to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. We embrace sustainable and eco-friendly practices in our manufacturing processes while also preserving the time-honored techniques passed down through generations. We believe this fusion of tradition and innovation set us apart in the industry.
  • Design Excellence: We quickly gained recognition for our design excellence from the very start, by creating textiles that are not only beautiful but also functional. By collaborating with top designers and architects, our fabrics found their way into prestigious projects, from luxury hotels to contract projects.
  • A Commitment to Sustainability: Fil Doux Textiles also made a commitment to sustainability from its inception. We focus on reducing environmental impact, using eco-friendly materials, and implementing responsible production practices. This commitment has resonated with customers who valued both quality and sustainability.
  • Cultural Fusion and Global Reach: Over the years, Fil Doux Textiles continues to embrace our Latin American heritage while expanding our global reach. We celebrate the diversity of Brooklyn and use it as a source of inspiration for our designs. This cultural fusion allowed them to create textiles that appealed to a wide range of tastes and preferences.


Today, Fil Doux Textiles stands as a testament to the power of cultural heritage, innovation, and a commitment to quality. With its Latin American roots and a home in Brooklyn, the company continues to thrive and contribute to the world of textiles, offering a unique blend of tradition and modernity in every fabric they create.

Message from
Leo Novik


Growing up in Chile, I saw the wonder of the natural world around me, and I’ve always been inspired to preserve that beauty. I love to say that Fil Doux Textiles is an eco-conscious, tariff-free, mill-direct supplier of beautiful textiles, vinyl, and sheers from our family-owned mills in Chile and Brazil.

We are also soft touch for everyone we serve, including our beautiful planet.

We are completely vertical in our mills to ensure the highest standards of quality control, with our amazing on-time track record of 4-6 weeks lead times on all of our products.

We air freight all of our products to ensure our customers are meeting and exceeding all of their deadlines.

Our goal has always been to produce luxurious and residential-feeling fabrics for the hospitality, contract and cruise industries, while always leading the way in sustainability. We proudly supply our textiles across all brand levels including Marriott, Four Seasons, IHG, Wyndham and many more.

Leo Novik, Founder of Fil Doux Textiles